

Mars is the fourth planet from the Sun. It is the second smallest planet in our Solar System after Mercury. Mars is a terrestrial planet like Mercury, Venus and Earth.
The red colour of Mars is observed due to the presence of iron oxide in its soil. The Diameter of  Mars is 6794 Km and the diameter of Earth is approximately doubled to the diameter of Mars. It has the largest Volcano in Solar System which is known as Olympus Mons and its hieght is about 22 Kms.
Mars was named by the Romans for their god of war because of its red colour. Rotation Period of Mars is 1.03 day, its Solar Orbit Period is 1.88 year, one year on Mars is equivalent to 687 Earth days, and Mean Distance of Mars from the Sun is 228 M Km, we can see Mars easily from the Earth with the naked eye, .
Mars has two tiny natural satellites Deimos and Phobos, like Moon  both orbits around Mars.