

Spain is a country in Europe continent, Its capital is Madrid.
Its border countries are Andorra, France, Gibralter, Portugal, Morocco,  and sea borders with Algeria and Italy.
Spain is a member country of United Nations since 1955, European Union member since 1986, and NATO member since 1982.
Largest cities in Spain are Madrid, Bercelona, Valencia, Seville etc.
Language of Spain is Spanish, and Currency used in Spain is Euro. Spain is fourth largest country of Europe Continent, Rivers of Spain are Guadalquivir, Tagus, Ebro, Douro, Turia, Guadiana, Minho, Jucar etc. Spain has largest high speed rail network of Europe.
Spain won the FIFA World Cup in 2010 against Netherlands with (1-0), Spain got 4th place in 1950 FIFA World Cup when Uruguay was Winner, Brazil was Runner Up and Sweden got 3rd place. Spain also host FIFA World Cup in 1982 when Italy was Winner and Germany was Runner Up team.

Internet Top Level Domain of Spain is .es and ISO code of Spain is ES, calling code of Spain  is +34, Standard Time Zone of Spain is GMT+01:00 Hour.